You have 3 days to exchange your purchased items counted since order received. Please note that we are only able to offer exchanges for sizes and items with manufacturing defects. Exchanges are subject to stock availability. No cost will be charged for exchanged items.
How To Exchange:
1. Please contact us using one of the options listed in the CONTACT US page.
2. Please indicate your Purchase Order ID and the item you wish to exchange.
3. Send the item back to us, indicating the your Purchase Order ID in your package:
Attn: Tati
ITC Mangga Dua lt 4 Blok D 11-12
Jakarta Utara 14430
HP: 08788 196 3611
4. Allow 1-3 working days for the item to arrive back at us.
5. Once we received your item, we will notify you via email and advise estimated new shipment schedule. If you have not heard from us after 3 working days, please contact us again.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,